I was pleased to find ready-made kitchen benches that are almost exactly the same as the one I designed and made for my French kitchen so I thought I'd refinish and accessorize two for the Sydney miniatures fair. However, the first package from my supplier went missing in the mail, as did the second, so a third was sent and then all three turned up so I suddenly had six! I've kept one aside for a French cottage kitchen project I'm planning for myself but these will all be for sale.
I don't expect to sell all of them at the fair, a kitchen bench is not the kind of thing you buy unless you're really in need of one, so I expect there will be some available here from next week if any of you have an interest. (Email me: )
(Handwoven mats are by Glenda Howell; jams by Nina Eary; crockery decoration, tea towels and little tray of muffins by me).