In defence of my ladder I would like to say:
(1) within 10 mins of buying it I saw two similar ladders, cleaned and dark stained, being used as display props in antique store windows
(2) a charming home accessories and gift shop presently has a similar vintage ladder, a little bigger, and also dark stained, in the window with a price tag of NZ$245! (=US$171)
(3) ladders as display units are so HOT right now - presenting exhibit no 1 (source "NZ Home and Garden" magazine)
So what do you think???
Should I-
(a) paint it white
(b) dark stain it
(c) chop it up for firewood?
VOTE NOW - leave a comment - make your opinion count!
By the way - No pressure but I'm counting on your 'positive support' in order that the ladder may continue to have a long and fruitful life! ;)
23 comments: you need a fire? Is a small bundle of firewood worth $40 where you live?
I'd say you overpaid for you ladder and since that's the case, I'd sand it down & paint it white.
P.S. since you're asking for positive feedback, I'm positive you overpaid. LOL enjoy
Love the ladder. Hey! If everyone else is staining them dark, why not? I am just thinking that it would be so much easier to sand it and paint it.... No firewood please!!!
a. paint it white
they make a great bookshelf!!!
My word, that was a quick response from you guys.
Appreciate your sense of humour Karin, and I've now made a small edit on the post (bolding the retail price) so that it is clear that a similar ladder (after TLC) is retailing in the vicinity for $205 over what I paid. LOL And yes, in the coming winter firewood will be very useful :)
At the moment I'm leaning towards white for the same reason as you Casey, a whole lot less work...
Hadn't thought of using it as a bookshelf Christine - another point in it's favour.
All in all positive feedback so far, altho your is somewhat reluctant Karin ;)
Gosh, don't chop it up for firewood. I, too, love old rustic relics of the past. Hmmmm. .. I can't decide which--white or stained dark. I think dark.
Well, you could paint it. Do you have another serviceable ladder? If not, I would leave it as is and use it. If you already have another ladder, i would go with the dark stain.
How about white with a little crackle of another color peeking out underneath? The next thing you know, people will ask for how you make such a wonderful shabby-chic shelf set!
If I where you I would paint it white but with ashabby look and use it as a display.
I love the ladder. I would paint it white with a shabby look. Show a little bit of the original colors.
Good luck!
I think the ladder has very intereting spots of pink and white paint, why hide the patina, it has in itself? How your ladder is going to turn out depends on the style you prefer in your home. Personally I think all the white stuff can be too cute and I like to add contrasts. And how many ladders are white in real life? If you leave the paint be, you can add some wax to get a warmer tone..or maybe add a little white on boring parts ;-)
I'd say paint it white and sell it - then you could buy new shoes!! :-)
I would love it sanded and stained with grayish white, but as I tend to be lazy, I would probably paint it :)
Those kind of ladders would be just perfect to show small putz houses (my obession) in the Christmas time :)
Norma, warum nicht im Garten benutzen als Blumenleiter oder für Klettergewächse. Im Garten sieht Shabby Chic auch toll aus.
Liebe Grüße
PuNo / Monika
Hi Norma, my Dad is daily using a ladder which is the exact copy of yours. They are tough, reliable and virtually unbreakable.And they are so good looking too. I love it as it is May be you could take away the biggest chips to leave the old age patina. Hotherwise make it butter white. Have fun Rosanna
i would say paint it white and use it to display things - you can even fold and hang quilts from each rung.
I like the look of it as is. I wouldn't paint it. If you were attracted to it in that condition I would try to work with it like that. I love the look of aged wood.
I would go for white...and definitely no firewood!;-)
I would paint it white and use it as a display. Francy
Hi Norma, I think it's a great find! Like the majority here I would either paint it white or leave it as it is and use it outside like Monika suggested!
Thanks everyone for comments, it's been such fun reading them :) And the most important thing is that it definately won't be firewood anytime soon!
Monika - using the ladder in the garden is a very original idea, and worthy of more thought.
Rosanna - your father must be a very strong man! These old ladders are SO heavy! I'm very glad that I've got a lightweight aluminium one for everyday use.
Doris - nice to see you here little sis, I'll bear your advice in mind and I'm sure that if everyone else knew just how desperately I need new shoes (I'd much rather spend money on minis!) they'd all be right behind you - LOL
Very french, shabby chic Norma! I love it "as is" with all it's rustic charm..
I would just put a coat of urethane on it to seal. That photo of the ladder being used in the bath for shelving is wonderful!
Depends where you want to put it as to whether you stain it or paint it.
I guess staining would show up all the wonderful character and history in the wood.
Guess you don't have children around Norma, it wouldn't last two minutes in my house, lol!
Hi Norma! I think your ladder is great and I'm in agreement with of these lovely ladies... Paint it white!!!!! I'm sure it will wonderful finished. I noticed your blog is all about miniatures. We recently received an email with the coolest mini's ever!!! When I get home I will try to email it to you! Thanks for coming over a visit, I really enjoyed your blog!
My Desert Cottage
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