Thursday, October 20, 2011

Great news! - we can now Follow Lea Frisoni on Blogger


beachcomber said...

so beautiful and amazing!

Bev said...

Thanks Norma, I'm a big fan of Lea's style - I have her book too!

Léa said...

What a great and pleasant surprise, thank you very much, Norma, for this warm welcome, I am very touched.
Hugs from Paris! <3

Lataina said...

This is so fantastic! But I can't seem to be able to follow it. Blogger says it could't find a feed for it and keeps asking me to make sure I have the correct URL. Is anyone else having a problem following? I'm so bummed. I LOVE Lea's work!!!

Léa said...

Dear Lataina, I think it would work now. I did not activate the RSS, lol (I'm new here, sorry.)
I thank you follow my blog. :)

Lataina said...

Yay! It works! Thank you Lea! =)

Anonymous said...

i'm jumping excited!!!!! :D Linda x

Unknown said...

Hi Norma
glad to see you back, as you would of seen I have been busy, now trying to sell my miniatures, have made a pge on my face book, bit if you have any ideas would be grateful, looking forward to see you work, thank you for your lovely messages
mini hugs debbie

Unknown said...

Thank you Norma.
I`m a follower now. I`m so happy you wrote about her blog!

Mari@ said...

Thank you Norma for this information. I'm her follower now. Hugs :o)

Claudia said...

Thanks so much, Norma! Great news!


Glenda said...

Gorgeous site! Makes me think of the sugared almonds I ate when I was little . . .

Maria said...

Thanks for the link, i am also a fa and have her book!

Unknown said...

Thank you very much Norma, have been very kind information if that is great news

Anonymous said...

Hi Norma - happy to meet you! I love minis and will pop over to visit the link you have shared today.

I also wanted to say that I appreciate your taking the time to share your opinion over at my blog. I think I may have not been clear in my post. What bothers me is when I visit a blog, leave a comment, and they never visit my blog back. They send a one-way-end-of-conversation generic email to me thanking me for visiting their blog. To me, the point of blogging is to get to know one another by sharing back and forth over the blogs. A personal email to answer a question or share more is always most welcome!

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I just discovered that you left several comments over at my little blog.
The blender pen is an artists pen available at art stores. There is a link in the post to where I purchased mine if you are interested.
And go ahead and use that 'friendship
portal' expression if you'd like! Nice to have met you through it.

Tammy@T's Daily Treasures said...

Hi Norma, just thought I would stop by to check out your corner of blogland. I am always amazed at the work that goes into miniatures. Congrats for finishing up another semester. Hope you are getting settled into the new house. Thanks again for your email. Best wishes, Tammy

ISABELLE said...

Bonjour Norma,
Je suis une fan journalière du blog de Léa. C'est une personne très agréable et très douce.Je viens de découvrir sur votre site des artistes que je ne connaissais pas et dont le travail est remarquable.
Merci à vous.

Unknown said...

Olá querida, se está com vontade de comer deliciosos bolinhos, te convido a vim participar da festinha do meu blog que será realizada amanhã, faça presença viu??? Haverá sorteio das lembrancinhas e logo depois haverá o meu primeiro giveaway em comemoração ao 4º aniversário do blog... Por isso venha participar...Beijosss