Although more items need to be added (the living room and master bedroom are looking particularly bare!) the house is finally ready to be delivered to its new owners. One of the things that held me up for quite a while was deciding what to do about getting more light into the bathroom. I thought about installing a battery light fitting but eventually decided against it and instead cut a hole in the roof and inserted a little skylight, it's only small but it's made all the difference. It opens so if in the future when the girls are a little older I decide to put in lighting it'll be easy enough to get access.
So here it is - ready to be delivered to its new owners very soon :)
Remember to click on the pics to enlarge
The little bear at the foot of the bed was made by my cousin Lillian - it should be holding a striped lollipop which I put in a 'really safe place' so it wouldn't get lost but now I can't find it - I'm sure it will turn up again soon :)
Fortunately both of the new owners' names being with "A".
I knitted the little doll ages ago, now she has a home :)
Fimo fairy and bunny by Lillian.
Master bedroom needs a set of drawers or wardrobe to complete it.
you can see the post about her screen prnted 1:1 cushions and their 1:12 copies here
Tiny cottage is pewter, I'm going to try to replicate it in airdrying clay
Cupcake poster design by Lamina
to see a collection of Lamina's screen printing posts click here
Tea set by Lillian
Just to remind you how the house looked when I rescued it from being thrown into the garbage truck...
When I picked it up it had flooring and internal partitions, I had pulled them out to make cleaning easier before taking this pic. They were strengthened before being put back in and another partition installed in the top floor to make the bathroom and hallway space.

Well, it wasn't impossible but it certainly wasn't without it's challenges and it would have been much easier and quicker to have started a new house from scratch. Still, there is some satisfaction in having 'rescued' this previously well loved little house for its new owners to enjoy.