Rachel sent me these beautiful mats, which will find a home in my French apartment, as a very generous gesture after I sent her a small mat kit. Such generosity wasn't deserved I have to say, the kit had been languishing in my stash for some time with realistically no prospect of every being stitched so it seemed appropriate to send it to Rachel in the hope that she'd be able to use it somewhere. I certainly never expected to receive two beautifully stitched mats by return mail. You can see how skillfully they are made. Thank you Rachel!My next stroke of luck was winning Mimmi's giveaway, my sincere thanks to Mimmi for making this lovely giveaway, and thanks to her son Noah for drawing my name as the very lucky winner! All of these pretty things are destined for my French apartment. Everything single thing is absolutely gorgeous. Thank you so much!
I've also received a parcel from my English cousin Lillian who has been trying out working with polymer clay and she's made all kinds of cute little things for me. Thank you so much!! I know it's been a trial working with polymer in the summer months, I really appreciate your tenacity and your kindness :) I'm delighted to share some pics of a few of these little treasures including some fruit for the kitchen, toys for the nursery and plants for a 'witchy' hutch...
Thanks again Rachel, Mimmi and Lillian for your great gifts, every piece is appreciated :)
A few of you have been asking how uni's going this semester - well, it's challenging so it's taking a great deal of time and effort which is why I'm pretty quiet in Blogland at the moment. However, only a few more weeks of the semester left and then I'll be able to get all my mini stuff out of the boxes again and have some FUN!
I also need to say "Hi" to some new Followers, thanks for visiting and I hope you'll come back from time to time :)
Dear Norma, it is good to see you posting:).
Waned to find out of your NZ home is fine? I am guessing you are not affected.
Those gifts are just outstanding, especially the little stitched carpets. I was just sharing with Rosanna how it will be so difficult for me to part with my carpets because they take forever to complete :).
Thanks for dropping by Sans :) I'm hoping to catch up with your blog this week.
I can't imagine how much time it takes to make these hand stitched carpets like these beauties of Rachel's. I know I'd never have the patience.
Re our NZ cottage, although quite a distance from the worst of the action these big quakes make their presence felt over a very wide area so we've had neighbours check it out but all seems fine. We have a number of friends who have had varying degrees of damage to their properties and businesses, but all are safe and well.
hi norma, glad to hear your nz home hasn't suffered any obvious damage... we were affected by the newcastle quake and it was on my daughter's birthday.. its been many years now, but still a vivid memory... your hand stitched rugs make me wish for more free time! christine xx
Was für wunderschöne Geschenke. Solche Minis bekommt man immer gerne.
Liebe Grüße an Dich Norma
Norma, congratulations, are wonderful gifts! and welcome again to blogsphere, I miss you posting in your blog... hugs
Hi Norma, Glad to see you are posting again. Even more glad that your property,family and friends in NZ faired well in the quake. The rugs are beautiful. I have stitched many rugs so I know how time consuming the work can be. Glad also to hear things are going well at school. Take care.
Lovely gifts, every one. So glad your cottage is safe - I was thinking of you.
I am so happy you liked it! :-D The other things you got are lovely! Hope we get to see everything in place when it has found its mini-home.
Beautiful gifts! I Love these carpets .
you are just about the luckiest person i know! :) what awesome goodies!!
Wonderful gifts from very talented miniaturists! But you really deserve it! And so nice of your cousin to have a go at polymer clay so she could make minis for you! If this is her first try I'm really impressed!
And I'm also so impressed by you studying again at the university, best wishes for these last weeks!
Congrats Norma! They are very lovely gifts.
what talented people!! I am impressed with them all. It is especially great to see Lilian's first efforts - it is a sign of wonderful things to come!!
¡Felicidades por estos regalos! Tienes muy buenos amigos que son artistas.
Besos Clara
Hi Norma you have had some lovely gifts from your other mini friends too and your very welcome to the rugs im glad you like them i love stitching it keeps my mind off other unpleasent thoughts
Unas alfombras muy bonitas
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