Monday, January 6, 2014

Delicious additions to the French kitchen

Gorgeous mini jams and preserves by Nina Eary have been added to the French kitchen, they look good enough to eat don't they? I love the colour they bring to the shelves and the French labels are adorable.

Nina makes a wide range of high quality miniatures, I recommend you take a look at her website and her Facebook page to see some of her work. Unfortunately she's not making to order at the moment but don't let that stop you enquiring about what she may have available. 

I have more of her preserves to show you at some other time including Apple Butter, Honey, and more jams but I want to show you them 'in situ' and that special project is as yet unstarted - something new for the new year...

And of course this is an appropriate time to wish every one of you a fabulous 2014, may it bring everything you wish for and more.