The south of the southern island of New Zealand is my current location. I'm still working hard on renovation projects at our little cottage in the countryside, enjoying the break from the big city, surrounded by trees and happy birds, but not much relaxing going on! Because we don't have internet access there I'm feeling quite 'disconnected' from the blogsphere and what you are all up to. I'm here for another couple of weeks and then back to Sydney, leaving the cottage in the 'tender care' of several tradespeople, when we return we should have fabulous new bathroom facilities. No pictures of the renovations to post yet, still at the 'ugly' stage, but they are coming - eventually!
I must also say a big informal welcome to a number of you who have joined my blog in the last few weeks. I'll catch up with you all properly when I get back to Australia :)
I hope you read this before you are back to your little cottage because I HAVE MISSED YOU LOADS :) and I want to let you know :). I keep thinking about your little sweet farmhouse and wondering how's the progress coming along. Good of you to do an update post. Be safe and look forward to you "coming hone" soon :):)!
Hi Norma, I was wondering how you were faring in the far South! Great to hear your cheery voice and catch up. Look forward to 'seeing' you back home soon!
I have missed you while you have been gone and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished bathroom and other pictures from your cottage! From the photo it looks like a heaven on earth place!
Hi Norma, so nice to hear from you again, I´ve been missing your blog, your comments, and your nice face when I open my blog ;-) See you soon!
See you soon, have a lot of fun!
Hallo Norma,
ich bin ja noch ein Frischling auf Ihrem Blog...... aber das Bild von Neuseeland lässt mich träumen. Ein traumhafter Strand!!!
Mein Mann und ich sind ja schon lange Australienfans und ich möchte behaupten, das wir schon sehr viel von Oz gesehen haben.... aber Neuseeland muss auch wunderschön sein.
Liebe Grüße von der anderen Seite der Weltkugel
PuNo / Monika
Hi Norma, I hope you are having a relaxing time away from the hectic life with internet. I kept thinking of you as I watched a BBC program on Brits wanting to emigrate to New Zealand. It looks absolutely beautiful over there!
Hi Norma,
I'm missing you too! Hope you're having a relaxing time away though!
I'm looking forward to see the pictures of your cottage in New Zealand...have a nice time!
greetz Michelle
Thanks to you all, old friends and new, for your messages. I locked up the cottage this morning, as usual I got about half the projects done that I had planned. I'm spending the next day and half with my sister, then fly back to Sydney on Saturday. Can't wait to see my little grandson - he's just started taking his first steps so it's an exciting time for grandma :)
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