Wednesday, May 4, 2011

400 Followers giveaway draw

To say "thanks for following" I'm offering these pieces in a giveaway draw,  you must be a Follower of  "make mine mini" to enter.  The new option of  'follow by email' complicates this somewhat -  it doesn't seem fair that only those registered with 'Google Friend Connect' can enter.  So if you Follow by email please email me to be entered into the draw, otherwise please leave a comment here.

The last date to enter is May 25, I plan to make the draw in New Zealand on my brother's birthday, May 26.  I'm flying over on the 25th to stay with my him for a few days to celebrate his birthday and as a bonus I hope to get to meet up with Carolyn (Carolyn's Little Kitchen) and Mercedes (Liberty Biberty).

Good luck everyone!! 

PS If you wish to post about this giveaway on your blog you are welcome to do so :) 


Lotte said...

What a lovely giveaway! I'd like to participate.

Congratulations on your 400+ followers! And have a great time with your friends!

Chelle said...

Congratulations on reaching 400!
I'd like to take part, I've posted a link on my Blog.

Maria said...

Congrats with your 400 followers!I love to join in your give-away draw too.You made some gorgious miniatures.
Have a nice time at your trip, sounds like lots of fun and congrats to your brother.
p.s. i will put the picture on my side board of my blog

Meli Abellán said...

Norma, I would love to participate in your giveaway!!
Congratulations on your more than 400followers!!
Warm regards,

ultsu said...

Congratulations Norma!!
I would love to take part in your lovely giveaway.

Pubdoll said...

Congratulations on reaching 400 Norma! The items for the give away are really beautiful, I especially love the dress, (I'm guessing it's to large for my tiny dolls :-)) but also the screen and the other items are lovely.
I just wanted to congratulate you on the 400 and comment on the wonderful items, but since I'm a modern girl in 1:16, I don't have to participate in the draw. (And besides you have already made me that beautiful bench!)

Miniaturemaid said...

Hi Norma your miniatures are gorgeous i love the screen im in the middle of my georgian house i started about five years ago and these pieces would look beautiful your so clever i hope your feeling better congrats on your followers please can i enter your giveaway
hugs XX

klara said...

o Yes please count me in for your lovely giveaway

Anonymous said...

400!!! wowsers!!! congratulations :D please count me in and do take pictures of you and Carolyn and Mercedes for us all to see...have a fun time :D Linda x

by Sonya said...

Congrats and thanks for this great Give away!Please count me in it!

Cheryl said...

Congratulations Norma, please count me in. Have a wonderful time on your holiday.

May said...

felicidades, me encanta lo que sorteas, me apunto

NarinaNäpertää said...

Congratulations for your 400+ follower!!
I would LOVE to take part in your awesome giveaway, so please count me in.

Pollicina said...

Congrats with your 400 followers!
I would love to participate in your giveaway!
Your miniatures are gorgeous i love the screen...

cunha said...

Hello, congratulations , your giveaway is so nice.

De said...

Beautiful give-a-way and congratulations!

Susi said...

Por favor napuntame a tu sorteo, es un regalo precioso y sobre todo muy generoso, me encantaria que fuese mio¡¡¡, subo el aviso a mi blog encantada, un beso y muchas gracias.

Iris said...

Gongratulations! Lovely giveaway, please count me in!

Unknown said...

Quiero participar en su sorteo ;)


Maria Ireland said...

Congratulations on so many followers.I have just found your blog and am a follower now great blog .:) i would love to enter your giveaway. Thank you i will be keeping my fingers crossed.:) Enjoy your holiday :) said...

Hallo Norma,

das ist aber ein wunderschönes Giveaway... da würde ich gerne an der Auslosung teilnehmen. Ich werde das Foto auf meinem Blog posten.

Liebe grüße an Dich


malu2 said...

Felicidades por tus 400 seguidores,
me gustaría participar en tu sorteo, ya tienes una seguidora más.Besos.

Jenya said...

Norma - congrats on your 400 followers! The gift is gorgeous. Gorgeous baroque! :)

Johanna said...

You have so lovely blog that I'm not surpsised about so many followers. Congrats about them. :) great giveaway, please count me in.

Heather said...

Wow, 400! Congrats.

Yes, please include me in the giveaway. Lovely things!!

Patty said...

Norma, I would love to participate in your wonderful giveaway!! I love that you might have a chance to meet Carolyn and Mercedes!! That would be a wonderful treat on your vacation!!

miniacollection said...

A gorgeous giveaway!
Please count me in.
Congratulations on your number of followers!

Flora said...

I'm joining whit great pleasure, and a pinch of hope, which never hurts...
I embrace you with affection,

Plushpussycat said...

Congrats on 400 followers! Wow! I'm so excited! Your blog giveaways are all so precious! Please include me! :-)

Carmen said...

Felicidades desde España, me encantan tus miniaturas. Un saludo

Unknown said...

Congratulation.400 followers. Wow

Your giveaway is lovely. Please count me in. I will put you on my blog.
Happy days in New Zealand.

Susanne said...

Congratulations, Norma! And what a great giveaway, please count me in. Wish you nice holidays!
Love, Susanne

M Carmen Casanova said...

Enhorabuena por tus 400 seguidores. Me encantará participar en tu sorteo. Que lo pases muy bien en Nueva Zelanda con tu hermano y con el encuentro con las compañeras. Besos.

elis said...

Congratulations for your 400 followers! Wau!
I'll like to join in your giveaway.

Claudia said...

Congratulations on 400, Norma!


Sharon said...

Congratulations Norma, please enter me in your giveaway, have a lovely time in New Zealand.

Rosamargarita said...

Hola Norma, 400 es un número muy grande, felicidaddes!!! los regalos que sorteas son muy hermosos, la foto me encanta, me apuntas en el sorteo?
Lo publico en mi blog

rose cat cottage said...

Goed Morgen Norma, already more than 400 foillowers!!! congratualtions and your give away is so nice as all your minis, please ocunt on me, sorry to have been so silent but I did not have too much time with my new job and the travelling time every day:((( Enjoy your day, doei, Claude

Annie Fryd said...

Congratulation on the growing number of followers :0) I cannot say no to the opportunity to win such pretty treasures. Please count me in Norma, I´ll make a post on my blog. Hope to get to meet some blogfriends when your are traveling. It´so fullfilling to meet likeminded miniature geeks ;0)
Hugs Annie

M.Narbon said...

400 followers, this is a great thing!!
Congratulations !!
Please sign me up for the draw.

Meine Kleinigkeiten said...

A great giveaway!Congratulations to the first 400 followers!I would love to participate in your giveaway!! I've posted a link on my Blog. Hugs, Petra

Fabiola said...

Very nice giveaway. I put the link on my blog.
Bye Faby

CrisColás said...

Congratulations on your more than 400followers!! Today, you have one more ;)
Norma, I would love to participate in your giveaway!!

Inês Paiva Raposo said...

Parabéns pelos 400 seguidores!
O presente é lindo, adoraria participar.
Obrigada pela oportunidade!

M. Estes Zywar said...

Hello from New England!
Congratulations of 400 Followers!!
How I would love to go to New Zealand some day
Right now my daughter is in Auckland!!!
She is doing her student teaching there and LOVES it!!
Drop by my blog when you have time!
Hugs:O) //

Maija said...

Lovely giveaway,
please count me in!

Teruka said...

congratulation on your 400 followers! you have 401 ;)

Dark Squirrel Victoria said...

Congrats on your 400 followers. What beautiful prizes you are offering.

Victoria ❤

La Belle Brigante said...

Congartulations Norma! I would like to take part and will place a link on my Blog!

La Belle Brigante said...

..oh dear, congartulations??
thats because my laptop was covered in cats while I was typing...

Unknown said...

Please count med in for your lovely giveaway! And have a nice trip when you go to see your brother.

Wanda said...

Hi Norma,
I would love to paricipate in your draw, and I will post a link on my blog. Congrats on the 400 followers! Wow.

marlies said...

Congrats with 400 followers, your give-away is very beautiful!
I like to join.
Hope you have a great time with Caroline and Mercedes!
* marlies

TINK - SONIA said...

Congrats on your 400 followers!!! Your minis are so beautiful and i would love to participate in your sweet giveaway.Mini regards Sonia.

Katrina said...

Congratulation of 400 followers. I would like to take part your give away. Welcome to visit in my new blog. Regards Kati

Flor said...

¡Hola Norma!!!
Primero que gusto saludarte ( = Me gustaría muchísimo participar en tu sorteo, ¡ siempre tienes miniaturas hermosas!!
Ahora mismo lo pongo en mi blog ( ;
Te mando un gran abrazo♥

Ascension said...

Enhorabuena Norma.
Me encantaria participar en tu sorteo.
Suboe el aviso a mi blog.
besitos ascension

Marian said...

Felicidades por tantos amigos como has conseguido invitar a tu casita. Me gustaria probar suerte en tu corteo de celebración. Besos

Nicole said...

Ooh... what a lovely giveaway, Norma! Thank you for that chance. I would love to join, please count me in! Congrats to the followers, I put a link on my blog :-)

Contrastes-Rosa Mª said...

Gracias Norma por este sorteo, me encanta participar en él, lo pongo en mi blog.

miniaturista said...

Que paseis un feliz día de cumplealños.
Me agradaría que me apuntes a tu sorteo.
Muchas gracias.

Lara said...

Norma, congratulations on your 417 followers. I would love to be included in your beautiful giveaway, so would you please count me in?

Glenda said...

Beautiful - count me in, please, Norma :)

Marit said...

Congraulations with your 420+ followers! Pleas count me in for the giveawy!


Montse said...

I love your shabby chic style! Please count me in your giveaway, i'll put a link in my blog.

Rapo77 said...

im from spain so i dont know if i can enter but if i can count me in. nick: rapo77

Anonymous said...

I love it. can i enter from spain?
nick: HaDa

Mari@ said...

Wow "Bellissimo" your giveaway. Congrats for your followers. I would love to participate. Please add my name ;o)

My Wee Life said...

WOW 400 followers! I'm not surprised though. Please count me in on your lovely giveaway and have a lovely holiday too:)

Patrizia said...

Congratulazioni....400 sono tantissimi!!
Partecipo anche io al tuo giveaway!!

Karin F. said...

my goodness, 431 followers!! Congratulations!
Of course I shouldn't be surprised; your blog & your work are great.
Please enter me if I'm not too late.
hugs K

LeJenMiniature said...


I love to own your beautiful creations ,

Love Jenny

Josje said...

Hi Norma! What a lovely giveaway! I'd love to take part in your giveaway, although I am very concious of the fact that I have just won two other giveaways already.

Virginia isabel said...

felicidades por esos ya mas de 400 seguidores.
me apunto al sorteo. ok?

Linda Carswell said...

I will love to take part in your give-away thanks Norma. It is possibly a waste of time as Josje in going for a 'hat trick'..... but good luck to who ever wins!!!

Lies de Goede said...

Gongratulations on almost 400 followers. Your give a way is Lovely and I've postend a link on my blog.


Unknown said...

parabéns! tantos seguidores .
gostava de participar. já me tornei sua seguidora e aposto que vou sempre me surpreender cada vez que vier ver o blog.
boas miniaturas :)

Anonymous said...

congratulations on your 400+ followers. have a wonderful time in NZ - I am sure your family there are counting down.

christine said...

please enter me in your draw and congratulations... enjoy you break in nz... :))

rosanna said...

Better late than never ! thank you Norma. Have a nice day, Rosanna

Kleine Vingers said...

I love the give away and would like to enter in the draw.

Sandi Quance said...

What lovely work that you do!!
Congratulations on all your followers and I am glad that I have found you!!!
I would love to join in your giveaway!

Jaana said...

Congratulations on your over 400 followers! I like to participate your lovely giveaway. Please count me in :)
- jaana-