Friday, July 6, 2012

Special swap gifts from Jennifer at Plushpussycat

How gorgeous is this corset  ...

... and these pretty antiqued Czech glass bead perfume bottles?!

They are the handiwork of Jennifer at Plushpussycat.

(The photos are also by Jennifer, the setting is her Lover's Cottage.)

Thank you Jennifer, they are so lovely and will suit Emily's French bedroom perfectly.


Fabiola said...

Fantasic and delicate gifts.
Bye Faby

elvira said...

Bellissime mini ..!
Un bacio

Cote said...

Felicidades es precioso!!

Kathi said...

Jennifer does beautiful work! I know you will enjoy these. The corset is so pretty!

Kim said...

Wow-the corset is amazing! Such sweet gifts-mini friends are the best :)

Anonymous said...

So beautiful and French! :)
I'm off to visit her...
Have a happy one,

Marisa said...

that corset looks so real

Love Marisa :)

Tatiana said...

Какая прелесть!
Дженнифер замечательный художник.
Ее изделия утонченные, для настоящей леди.

Flora said...

So Lovely :-)
How lucky is Emily...
Mini hugs

Maria Ireland said...

Congratulations your gifts from Jennifer are beautiful.
Hugs Maria

Lucille said...

Beautiful work! Emily is a lucky girl!

Plushpussycat said...

Thank you for your lovely post, Norma! I can't wait to show the exquisite swap gifts you made me! xo Jennifer

Margaret said...

Wow Norma, the corset is beautiful and so are the perfume bottles, they will be perfect for your French house.

carmen said...

felicidades, son hermosos regalos....

17-17 said...

Lovely gift!

Drora's minimundo said...

Congratulations! Jennifer's gifts are gorgeous, and so are the gifts you sent to her.
Hugs, Drora

Ilona said...

Beautiful gifts, the corset id gorgeous, Norma!
Greetings, Ilona

Unknown said...

Lucky girl,all so wonderful...kisses :)

MelyGiunta said...

Ciao Norma, sono d'accordo con te,le mini di Jennifer sono fantastiche, io ho la fortuna di averle tra le mie mani, sono una meraviglia!!
Un bacio

Kaisa said...

Hi, the corcet is stunning!
Feel free to visit my craft blogs

Have a nice day!


Claudia said...

Oh my, how beautiful, Norma! That Jennifer is very talented!


Sandra said...

Norma, they are gorgeous. You are very fortunate indeed. Hugs, Sandie

afairytalecometruewyrna said...

Hi Norma
Congratulations on your fine gifts. Perfume bottles, with the green color is quite unique.

Sans! said...

Jen is a most generous friend :) and the corset is *muah, bellisimo!

maria l. said...

Me gusta

beth said...

What beautiful things, especially the corset.
Beth x

Cinderella Moments said...

Jennifer makes such gorgeous things! Lucky you! Congratulations!

maria l. said...

Congratulations. Is a very nice giveway

Gill Bayes Miniatures said...

Beautiful swaps, especially the corset.

Anonymous said...

Very gorgeous. Such delicate, pretty things!!!

luisa said...

they are so lovely..... delicate and sweet, wonderful!

Linda Carswell said...

Missed seeing you around blogland....hope you are well? X

Natalia's Fine Needlework said...

It is such a fun to participate in the swaps! The corset is adorable and perfume bottles are very delicate! Mini hugs, Natalia

Ascension said...

Preciosas miniaturas, enhorabuena.
besitos ascension