Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Am I really following myself???

I have no idea how I ended up in my own followers list - this whole blog thing is a bit of an adventure and I seem to have done something wrong! I'm too scared to delete myself in case the whole thing goes up in smoke! Oh well, at least if I keep following myself I'll never get lost :)


Sans! said...

Dearie, I follow my blogs too so that they show up on my dashboard whenever I have a new post, like it would on any of my "followers"' dashboards. Although I follow it "secretly" and not publicly. The reason why I do that is so that I can see what it is like when the public gets notification of my posts. It is a very useful tool where I am concerned :). Cos you can see for yourself whether your picture comes up or if there are any areas you can tweak to make your post better (although it is only a small segment that's published on the dashboard)

Norma Bennett said...

Thankyou :) This is really trial and error at the moment - a great trial and a lot of error!

Norma Bennett said...

Followed your advice, am now 'hiding' somewhere in cyberspace - LOL

Cheryl said...

Not to worry Norma its your shadow!

Norma Bennett said...

Hello Cheryl, thanks for dropping by! According to my brother the idea of following myself could lead to a great deal of trouble since both of us are likely to become lost...