Wednesday, November 18, 2009

My header photo

This photo of my late mother was taken about 1918 outside the cottage where she, and her children, grew up. It is my mother I have to thank for her nurturing of my creative spirit in the many hours we spent together making scrapbooks, drawing, knitting, embroidering and just chatting about 'girl stuff'. Thanks mum.


Lamina said...

Wow.. what a great photo.. love it :) No plastic toys there!!! I especially love the teddy bears they look SO sweet! Is one missing his arms? poor teddy :(

Sans! said...

This is one of the best non postcard photos I have ever seen, Norma. You are lucky to still have it. The composition is so perfect I thought this was a page off a book or a post card!

Norma Bennett said...

Yes we are very very lucky to have this and other wonderful photos of my mother as a child and young woman. I think that the composition shows a good deal of thought, the (amateur) photographer was a family friend. As a child I played with the kitchen dresser and chest of drawers, and I think that might be "Mary" leaning against the dresser :)

Tracy said...

What an incredible photo! Such fantastic toys, and your mother looks like a most interesting little girl. Thanks for sharing!