Thursday, November 18, 2010

Blog birthday giveaway

This giveaway is closed
- it was drawn on 4 December 2010

My blog is 1 today!!
Let's have a party - the best kind of party - one where you get the gifts ;)

Just leave a comment and tell me WHICH SET you would prefer -

the French set with the French style 'burlap' cushions and shopping bag

the Vintage set with the faded (but not quite as faded as they look in the picture!) tapestry style cushions and vintage mail

Drawn on Saturday 4 December (by the way, you must be a Follower to enter)
Draw procedure: A few of you haven't made a choice of which set you prefer (and I didn't make it clear either that I would do 2 draws, one for each set). SO I'm going to copy Marit's draw procedure, those of you who have indicated which set you prefer will each get 2 chances in the draw for that set, those who haven't indicated a preference will get 1 chance in each draw. (this postscript added 23 Nov)

Credit: The French 'burlap' style cushions are miniature versions of a 1:1 design by Michelle at Petite Coterie. Michelle generously gave me permission to reproduce her design in miniature (personal use only). Michelle has a link to her Etsy shop on her blog, be sure to drop by and take a look, she's got some gorgeous new designs.


Glenda said...

Here I am at the front of the queue :))) Welcome back!
I'd like to be included in the Vintage Set, please!

Marie-Laure said...

Thank you for this great giveaway.
It is not because of chauvinism ;-) but I just like your French set.

Iris said...

Congratulations! Both are beautiful! I like the Vintage Set. Please count me in!

Kaisa said...

Hi Norma! You have a wonderful giveaway. I would like to participate to your draw.

Varma said...

Happy birthday! You have a great blog. I like the Vintage set because i love letters.

Flora said...

A year of great and small tiny excitement!
How wonderful these gifts ... I choose the vintage sets and cross my fingers ...
You are always a treasure :-)
Mini hugs, Flora

christine said...

oh... this is so hard! how can i choose.. they are both lovely! ok, ok, the vintage set but don't ask me why...or maybe the french?? no, the vintage.. yes, really!!! :))

Thmini2 said...

French set for me please. Congratuations on your first year.

Mari@ said...

Happy Blog Birthday. I would like to participate for Vintage set. Wonderful prizes and work. Compliments.

Unknown said...

¡Que rápido pasa el tiempo! Un año ya y cuantas cosas has mostrado en este blog. Felicidades.
Me gusta más el conjunto vintage.
Gracias por celebrar así el aniversario.
Besos Clara

Margaret said...

Wow, I love the Vintage set, please count me in too Norma. And Happy Blog Birthday!

Arantxa Fariña said...


Please count with me for Vintage Set!!

Thank you!!

Lara said...

Congratulations on your blog birthday! I would love to have the French set, so would you please count me in?

Rosella said...

Happy birthday to your beautiful blog! This is a great giveaway. I would like to participate to your draw.I put it on my blog.

Rosella said...

Ohh! I was distracted! I did not choose! I like French set.
Greetings and kisses

Mercedes Spencer @ Liberty Biberty said...

Happy blog birthday Norma!
It's very hard to decide but I think I'd go for the vintage set!

Marion said...

Norma, congrats with your 1st year of blogging, and what a great blog it is. Glad you've come to life again for a few months. :-) Nice to get away from your books (been there, done that. LOL) As for your giveaway, surprise me should I win.... I can't choose although I tend to lean towards vintage because of the letters, but the other cushions are also veeeeery beautiful. Had a look a the site. Very inspirational.

Mini hugs

Sharon said...

Please include me in your giveaway, I would love the Vintage Set, please.
Love your blog.

Sans! said...

It's been a year eh? I am coming to 2 years in December :):). I'll like to think I was here since your Day 1, Norma and it's been a good year for you!

Your giveaways are just so pretty. Love everything but will go for the vintage if I win. Thank you for organsing this giveaway.

hannajaleijona said...

Yay! Happy birthday to a beautiful blog!

I'd like to be part of the French set draw, but both are just beautiful.


Francesca said...

I love your vintage set!
Please count me in your give away :-)

cockerina said...

I love the vintage set, please include me in your give away! thanks!

Catherine / Mooghiscath said...

Bonne anniversaire le blog ! et merci pour ce giveaway, mais que va choisir comme cadeau une Française ? Le set français bien sûre !

The Old Maid said...

I love the French set. Please count me in too! :)

Catherine said...

Please include me too. Either sett would make me very happy. I love them both.
It is so nice to have you back posting again!!!!

Lainie said...

Happy Birthday to your blog! I love them both the the vintage set has to be my choice.

Claudia said...

Happy 1st Blog Birthday, Norma! Hos nice of you to have a giveaway - I would (if I was so lucky) love to have the Vintage Set.


Karin said...

Congratulations on you first Blog birthday!
Pleae count me in for your lovely giveaway.

Greetings, Karin.

Karin F. said...

Happy Blogversary! I love the mail set. But I'd take either as they're equally beautiful. Well done!
hugs Karin

Atticbabys said...

Happy Bloggy Birthday Norma!
What fun! Please throw my hat in on the vintage set, THANKS!!!

Minimami said...

Congrads! Can´t miss this one, difficult choise but I´d prefer the French set.

TINK - SONIA said...

Wow! So beautiful giveaway!I would like to participate please .The vintage is my prefer,mini regards.

Kim Gillian said...

Please include me in the Vintage Set give away!! Very pretty. Thanks!!
-Kim :)

Rosamargarita said...

Felicitaciones por el primer año de tu blog Norma! me encanta la fiesta de celebracion: regalitos... me gustan ambos pero eligiria el vintage.

Susanne said...

Congratulations, I will soon turn 1too ;-) So difficult to choose, but I´ve decided to go for the french set..that little bag with the crown are very special!
Love, Susanne

miniacollection said...

Happy Birthday to your blog!
Your giveaway is gret, I like the French set very much.

rosanna said...

Norma, of course I'll join.
I love both the sets but the french one is more my cup of tea.
thank you very much for this chance. Rosanna

Irene said...

Happy Blog Birthday! I might not always post but I DO enjoy reading your blog. The vintage set for me is very appealing and I'd like to be included in your birthday give-away.

Allison said...

Happy Anniversary!!! Both sets are exquisite but the Vintage is my favourite of the two. My fingers are crossed!

Lataina said...

Congratulations for your blogday! Oh I hate having to choose between such beautiful items. They are both so wonderful. I think I would choose the vintage. =)

AMCSviatko said...

Tempted as I am by those beautiful vintage letters, the French Set calls to me more especially as I've just been researching using some tea stain coloured fabric with script on it for a mini project I'm gestating and they would go very nicely...

Ana said...

Congratulations on your Blog birthday, I´am pleased to participate, I like very much the french set.
Ana Maria

Susi said...

Felicidades por tus magnificos trabajos, y por tu aniversario, me encanta el conjunto vintage, besos y felicidades.

kibbygirl said...

Happy Blog-a-versary! I love both sets but I think my favorite would be the vintage style. Both are beautiful though.

Pubdoll said...

Hi, I'm not here for any of the sets, I just wanted to congratulate you with a fabulous first blog year! I can't believe it's only a year, you have made so many memorable posts! Cheers to many more!

Anonymous said...

ooomyyyyyyyyyy i love them cute!!! i'd like to enter for the vintage set please :) happy blog birthday :D yayyyyy Linda x

Julie said...

Congratulations on your first year of blogging! Please include me in the draw for the vintage set.

Titta said...

Congratulations!!! you have a wonderful giveaway! Pleace count me in !

Linda Carswell said...

Happy Blog Birthday Norma!!

Is it really one year all ready...gosh how the time flys!!

Your work looks lovely!

Linda x

by Sonya said...

Thanks for this fantastic Give away!
I love French set.I think it will be perfect in my Parisienne Palace!

unicornio said...

I didn´t know your blog,but you have a wonderful things.Congratulations!.Please count with me on your give-away;I like the Vintage Set.Hugs, Matilde.

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your blog's 1st birthday! And thank you for such a lovely giveaway.
Please count me, I like both sets but I think the vintage set would look amazing in a future project I have planned to do shortly! :D

Happy Mini-ing

Kathi said...

Congratulations on your first year of blogging! How sweet of you to have this give-a-way! I really like the red vintage set with the mail. Both are beautiful!
I'm looking forward to following you during your second year and beyond!

ultsu said...

Congratulations. I would love to have a chance of winning that vintage set.

Patty said...

I love both sets so much! I will choose the Vintage set please! Happy Blog Anniversary!!!

Daisy said...

Congratulations on your first year of blogging! Please include me in the draw for the vintage set.

Flor said...

Norma Feliz cumpleaños!!!
Que regalos mas lindos has hecho! Me gustaría mucho participar.
El 04 de Diciembre es un día muy triste para mí.... pero espero tener suerte.
Me gustan mucho los 2! Así que al que tu creas conveniente ( =
Ahora lo pongo en mí blog ( ;
Un abrazo

Britt said...

Happy blog birthday
I like the vintage set count me in please

Soffy said...

happy blog birthday ! I like the french set .... and the vintage set LOL !
I love the bag in the french set.Well,I prefer the french set for a french women !

Marta said...

Me encantaría participar en tu sorteo. Los dos regalos son preciosos, puestos a elegir me quedo con el Vintage Set.
Gracias, un abrazo

M Carmen Casanova said...

Norma, felicidades por ese cumpleaños del blog. Me ncantará participar en tu sorteo. Los dos sets son preciosos pero yo me decantatría por el vintage. Besos

Margriet said...

Beautiful give-away! I like both sets, but i like the french set just a little bit more :-)

Alma e Lia said...

Beautiful giveaway, please count me, I put it in my blog, thanks

Nicole said...

Thank you for that great chance, Norma! Congrats to your blog birthday! It's really hard to decide, but I would love to win the French set! So please count me in :-)

Maija said...

Congratulations on your blog birthday! I would love to have the French set, so would you please count me in?<3

PAKY said...

congratulations for your blog aniversary! I like both, I don't know what are better! hugs and thank you very much for this giveaway!


Please count me in for your wonderful giveaway!! I love the vintage set very much!


soniasan said...

french set please!!>.< it´s wonderful!!
And Happy Blog Birthday^^!

Gill Bayes Miniatures said...

Both are gorgeous, but if I really must choose, I'd say the faded vintage, please!! Gill

lisa said...

yay! i'd give the vintage set a good home.

Terri said...

Happy blogaversary to you!

I love your giveaways! I am drooling over them! I love them both, but the second set fits better with my Victorian doll home.

Lately, I have been finding that places I thought I was following I was not! So I have been going around and re entering my desire to "follow".
Has this ever happened to you?

Eva said...

Hi Norma, Congratulations!!
so difficult to choose, I love both but perhaps I'd prefer the vintage set :)

Marit said...

Hi Norma, Happy Blog Birthday!!!
You said that you are going to draw following my method of two bowls and two papers. I would hope so, both sets are so nice! If I really need to express a preference, I think I go for the vintage set...or the french... no, vintage... or... no, vintage. But rather let luck decide!


Linda Carswell said...

Dear Norma,
Thanks so much for the email regarding Grange de you suspected, I have been a follower for quite some is a beautiful blog, full of inspiration. But I thank you for thinking of me a keeping intouch when you find these amazing blog!
Paris is going well, have met lots of fabulous miniature people at Paris Creations on much fun, but now I am looking forward to home, I miss my girls too much.
Kindest Regards, Linda x

Unknown said...

Wow, wonderfull giveaway! Both sets are beautiful, if I ever win...I would we very happy with the vintage set. I cross my fingers!


Cheryl said...

Norma those are simply adorable pillow sets. Happy, Happy Blog Birthday to you! Yours was one of the first blogs I followed. Time sure does fly.

Caroline said...

Congrats on your bloggiversary! I would love a chance to win your french giveaway! Thanks so much.

Junk Loving Girl said...

How generous, I hope I am as giving when my birthday comes around!

I would love to be entered to win the vintage set. Thank you.


Valentina P. said...

Hi i am a new follower!! both are beautiful but i choose the first set!!! My blog

Becky said...

Hello Norma, what a lovely choice. The French set would look particularly beautiful in my white Scandinavian house, I'd love to participate!

Terelo said...

Como pasa el tiempo...
Felicidades, sobre todo por las cosas que nos has mostrado durante este año. Me gusta todo, todo y todo.
Besos. Teresa

Angela said...

Happy Birthday Norma!!!!
your minis are fantastic, I would like to participate in your giveaway, but the sets are both beautiful!!!!

When you have time come visit my blog!
Thank for your giveaway.

Debbie said...

Many Congratulations on your Blog's Birthday. x

Heather said...

How lovely! happy birthday. Such a hard decision??? Ok the French set!

Carol Mittlesteadt-Kubrican said...

Hi Norma! I'm so glad that we "reconnected". Congratulations on your blog anniversary! Although it is difficult to choose because they are both so beautiful, I would have to say the vintage set is my preference.

sylvie said...

Happy birthday..... and thank you for coming! Yes my cat thinks he is a king star... and yes he is, but chuuuuut....

patrisan said...

Hi Norma
I'm running now, thank you for this opportunity! Thanks for letting me discover your blog: it's beautiful, you have a fantastic taste. For the giveaway, I prefer vintage set but they are both beautiful. Congratulations and happy birthday to your blog!

snowberry said...

Hi I would love to be included in your draw for the vintage set. But it was so hard to pick which set to enter for. Since both are wonderful.

Nieves said...

Me gusta mucho tu blog y el regalo del sorteo es precioso,cuenta conmigo.
Un beso.Maini

Marilia said...

Hi! Beautiful give-away, I prefer the Vintage Set
Thank you!!!

Pollicina said...

Dear Norma,
I think your blog is beautiful as your creations!
I am happy to join your wonderful giveaway ...
When you have time passing to say hello to my newly born blog!
