Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Pretties from Jollie and my surprise Mother's Day gift

click to enlarge
A few weeks ago I asked Jollie (A Little More Minis) if she'd be interested in doing a swap, some of her pretty tulips in exchange for something for her fairy house and here they are in the cutest little shabby jug along with some lovely shabby dishes she's made.  We had in mind that they'd go into the French apartment but they look so at home here in the 1:16 kitchen they may well stay.  A special little surprise was this pretty, delicate wreath which is also in the 1:16 house for the moment.   
Everything is so lovely, thank you Jollie!  As usual I'm way behind on fulfilling my end of the bargain - making something for fairies has taken some thinking about but I bought some supplies today with their little gifts in mind :) 

And look what I got for Mother's Day  ... a Dremel 300 + attachments!!!  I bet not too many mothers got power tools on Sunday :) 

Of course I'm as pleased as can be with it - all I have to do now is learn how to use it, preferably without amputating any fingers!!  I'll keep you posted.

Thanks again to Jollie and to my wonderful family, I'm so lucky to have such perfect gifts. 


Anonymous said...

Lol when I first looked at the tool set I thought it was a miniature.

beachcomber said...

so cute!!
cheryl x

Jollie said...

You're welcome Norma, I am glad you like the tulips and minis ;)

I love your mothers day present!!!
You were sooooo spoiled ;) Unfortunately my cats, dogs and tortoises don't know any mothers day :( lol

Hugs Jollie

Chelle said...

I love getting power tools for special occasions like birthdays etc. People at work think I am weird ;-p

Anonymous said...

love the tulips!!! I have a Dremmel but still havent used it much just cut some window holes and sanded with it....i'm sure it does all sorts of wonderful things but its scary...me and power tools are not a good combination lol :D Linda x

marlies said...

Beautiful swap from Jollie, it looks great on your table!
Have fun with your dremel, I use it many times,
* marlies

Irene said...

That was a very thoughtful present to receive - enjoy playing with your Dremel!

FabShabbyRoses said...

Congrats on your new Dremel Norma!My husband bought one for me for Christmas a couple of years ago and I'm always telling him how much I love it. I can't believe how much I use it. Have fun with it! Carolyn

Katrina said...

It´s so summery. I love tulips and all. Love Kati

Claudia said...

Love your swap treasures, Norma. That Dremel is the perfect gift - congratulations!


Brandy Wilcoxen said...

I lost my dremel in the last couple of moves and have to buy a new one. Congrats on the gifts, they are lovely.

onbeingaminimum said...

Lovely tulips, so right for the time of year here in the UK. Will be very interested to hear how you get on with the Dremel, I have been so lazy with mine but it is on my "To Do" list!

Jane said...

Hi Norma,
Thanks for stopping by my blog! I've been reading a lot of your past posts and what adorable mini's you have!
I think a Dremel is a great present and I'm sure you will put it to good use.

Lucille said...

Lovely swap! The dremel is a very thoughtful gift. I purchased mine especially to dig the channels to insert the wiring for my house.

Flora said...

You're a lucky mom but I sincerely hope that you read the instruction manual before starting work!
I never fully explored your blog and did not know you had a kitchen so pretty: I love it :-)
The tulips are perfect :-)
Mini hugs, Flora

Sylvie said...

Hi, Norma...
Thank you for coming, it's always a good surprise to read from you.
The old paints on my wall are founded in a flea market. I think it's the same family. I love those portraits, they are so " alive "!

Linda Carswell said...

Dear Norma,

.....can you stll count to ten....lol!!!

What a fantastic gift....and family for that matter! Did you leave lots of hints has to what you would like, or did they think of it all by them selves.....either way, a fantastic gift.


Flor said...

Norma ¡Muchas felicidades por el día de la madre!!! Y por esos regalos tan maravillosos ( = Jollie hace cosas hermosas ( =
Y del Dremel te cuento que yo tengo el mio que también me lo regaló mí esposo un día de las madres , pero ya hace varios años . Y es fecha que aun no aprendo a usarlo bien jejejeje Pero es una herramienta buenísima ( =
Te mando un abrazo con mucho cariño♥

Glenda said...

There's something very elegant about tulips!

A Dremel - ooooo, fab pressie!!
Better than chocolates!
Alan won't let me use his Dremel, and he has such fine drillbits for his circuit boards. He's got a point though - me and machinery, we just don't mix :)
Will be interested in your progress with it. . .

Marit said...

Lovely gifts from Jollie!

I love my Dremel now, but also for me it took a while before I started using it, too scared of machinery, especially when they have fast rotating hurtfull thingies so close to my fingers. And I didn't get a good grip on it for the very precise work, but then I got the flex shaft, which holds as a pen... I must admit that those have been taken over by my husband now and I got a Dremel Stylus, which works even better for me.
Have fun playing!


Norma Bennett said...

It looks like the Dremel is a greatly loved - and feared! - tool in mini-land. I'm being very cautious with mine at the moment, I'm going to take it over to my son's house shortly, he has one of his own, so that I can play with it 'under supervision' at first, plus he knows way better than me about the attachments. I certainly like the idea of using it to cut wiring channels, hadn't thought of that one!

Linda - it came as a complete surprise as I hadn't been making hints at all (although I may have said one day a while ago that I'd like to borrow my son's now that I think of it) and we don't have a tradition of big gifts on Mother's Day. It's going to make a lot of things a lot easier once I get the hang of it - the clunky old jigsaw is probably heading for retirement :)

Marit - before I start playing with those 'fast rotating hurtful thingies' perhaps I should visit my local butcher and see if I can borrow one of those chainmail gloves I've seen them wearing :)

Unknown said...

I really like the new header on your page :-)

Monica Roberts said...

I love my Dremel ... although I haven't used it in ages. Note to self ... get busy, Norma's going to be having all the fun now! Jollie's swap gifts are wonderful, and looking great on that country table! Oh, and the new header photo is pretty wonderful too, but keep mama's amazing picture somewhere handy, so I can continue to admire it.

Gill Bayes Miniatures said...

What a great family you have, so thoughtful! Love the pretties from Jollie, too. Gill x

Sans! said...

Lovely gifts from Jollie :). She's thoughtful that way :).

I bought my dremel a year and a half ago and have yet to use them ! LOL

Love 'n Light said...

Hi Norma,
It's been a while, I hope you're keeping well!
Tonight, out of the blue I remembered I had a blog so I thought I'd better do a post! lol I'm getting slack!
I've got to run but I thought I'd come see how you are...I hope you're well.

Too bad about this piece, it would've been great, so much character! :)

Love 'n Light said...

Hi Norma,
I hope you're keeping well!

Tonight out of the blue I remembered I had a blog lol...I dedided to do a post!
I saw you in my contacts and thought I'd pop across to see what you'd been up to...

Too bad about this piece, I agree with you, it was beautiful...so much character!

Loving wishes
Nat :)x