Saturday, June 28, 2014

So close and yet so far!

I've hit a small glitch or two in the reconstruction process today because of the extra internal walls, not fatal but time consuming so I'm not sure if I'm going to get the house finished for tomorrow :(  Just posting this so that anyone planning on going to Penrith especially to get a first hand look at it is aware that it might not make an appearance. If that changes and I do get it together I'll post very quickly tomorrow morning to confirm that - so watch this space for last minute news!

UPDATE - It's now 6 am Sunday morning, SHOW DAY and I'm up early to get my bits and pieces together and looking forward to meeting new people and having a fun day - without the house. I do thank you all for your encouraging comments but by the time you were so kindly writing them I was in bed fast asleep. 

It was early evening when I called 'tools down', my thinking process was getting fuzzy (not good when decisions are about drilling holes) and I was beginning to think along the lines of saving time rather than producing the best result. When I realised that speed not quality had become my priority I decided it's much better to allow more time to make it the best that it can be than keep going on that basis just for the sake of meeting a self imposed deadline. My commitment was to do my very best to have it at the show today and I certainly did that so I am totally fine with my decision. 

I'm off on a house-sit for 10 days from tomorrow (taking care of a super cute Maltese dog and a pussy cat) so won't get back to it for a couple of weeks but when I do I'll enjoy finishing it to the standard I really want it to be rather than the standard time allowed. I've got a table booked at the Sydney Northern Districts Doll and Bear Guild Fair on 20 September so there's ample time to achieve that before it's next 'engagement'.

Thanks so much everyone for coming along for the ride, it was a bit wild, and it hit a rather large speed bump at the end, but it's been great fun and we're all still alive to tell the tale. Now I have to run and get organised for today's show. 


elizabeth s said...

GO NORMA GO! I know that you can make it happen. Even if you have to work non-stop! You can do it! :D

Vivian Fox said...

I agree with Elizabeth, Norma. Keep at'll be so glad you did.
All the best

Plushpussycat said...

Keep going, Norma! You can do it! xo Jennifer

Lucille said...

Good luck, Norma! Keeping my fingers crossed. If someone can do it, you can!

Claudia said...

Hang in there, Norma!!!


Susan@minicrochetmad said...

Quality beats quantity hands down' good decision! Best wishes for an enjoyable day today.

Lucille said...

I agree with you, Norma! Enjoy the show!

shannonc60 said...

Dang! But uou did the right thing, rather than rushing it. You will be happier with the result in the long run. Enjoy your house-sitting!

Marisa said...

Run over the speed bump! you can do it :)


The grandmommy said...

There will be other shows. Just enjoy the ride and don't let pressure and deadlines take away the pleasure of your minis!

Fabulously Small said...

Hi Norma, just catching up - finally - and what things you've done! I applaud you for trying to accomplish this very ambitious project in a crazy timescale and I think you are so right to finish it in a way that feels right and not rush it of in the nick of time (if that would have been possible at all). I like the way you're going with this house renovation, I think it will be great!

Cinderella Moments said...

Sometimes things just stack up against you and you have to walk away. Then miraculously it all comes together with the greatest of ease. Not to be understood! LOL! I'm sure in the end you will create the perfect little scene! Have fun with your time off.

Meapuntoatodo said...

Magnifica decisión, la calidad es lo primero. Buena suerte para el 20 de septiembre. Gracias por tu comentario en mi blog. Mariajo